Bite your tongue
And there I was posing next to my arch and above bikes, outings, but this time at the Fourth Biennial Design Mapocho Station.
asked me a smile, but it is difficult to abstract from the things I think and express something real, especially after so many years I am still a little painful thorn for sin of 'puppy' in the business world.
walked the Oxford general manager and told us about the many copies that has been our design, whether in Chile, Peru and even in the East, and that his understanding should become a sort of pride for us as a design team. Enormously far what I think about it, but I must say that is a gentleman and treated us very well every time we exchanged words.
On the other hand, stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow gives me a strange satisfaction, but it is strange because the truth is rare and it becomes a bad habit of practicing a profession that involves extreme competition, mass production, business , business, engineering, and be linked occupationally to a college environment that gives Halls of wanting to soak up these concepts.
The opening night of the Biennale, I realized once again how I feel outside the academic world of work and about my profession, and it's something every day by not having a certain goal to help me project myself , and the feeling of dissatisfaction is compounded by my immediate environment. For example, what would you think if I mention that while the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies at the PUC gave his speech, showing the way by which rearmed Design career (focused mainly in the business world), authorities and teachers of my faculty killed time talking and sometimes even laughter, teasing and even more attention with which I listened to the speech. How many would want to have the authorities of the PUC routing to my future colleagues in Chile, and do not say because I like very much the focus, but because it has a clear focus, and no promises after that can be evidenced by deeds.
I wonder why I'm in Chile if you I have an aversion to many who have the authority and believe that design is an aspect of architecture, and the truth and I have no answer to that.
Now there is a glimmer of hope with a new addition to teachers at the U of Valpo, with a realistic mindset about of my profession, and best of all, you know what I speak and have demonstrated it. Sequisimos serious types who speak a language for thinking about starting conversations in the 'First Division', and there are trapped in this little game at the University of Chile so superior to the other, or with a story to cover any failure or deficiency .. . pure arrogance, blindness, and it only allows more and more bogged down, at least in the FAU (engineering are handled at the pace I would have design).
I hope to return within a week to see the other jobs and just take another fotito pa'l memory. The nice thing is to feel the memory of those months of intense paste and a great motivation express the enormous potential that we as a team.
A link to one of the copies ...
Another ...